
'Pushing the Boundaries - Breaking the Matrix of mind-control programming during Ascension' on YouTube and all major Podcast platforms,
Helping others to understand and manage their emotions and behavior and free themselves from old and painful patterns. Teaching how we have been indoctrinated vs educated, lied to, mind-controlled and how to actively move beyond this to become a Sovereign Being.
A shortened BIO on Doc in her own words!
***5 OPTIONS***
Stumped about the meaning of a dream?
Need a quick tune-up but not a full healing?
Short of cash but want to see what your unconscious is telling you?
Feel you are under an energetic attack and need extra guidance?
Need a healing but can't afford it and are willing to have a GROUP energetic quantum healing with others and receive brief feedback?

Energetic and Quantum Healings
Utilizing powerful 'beyond this world' healing modalities to restore balance and harmonize the body, mind, and soul breaking the cords of negativity, outdated soul contracts and mind control, removing energetic and physical parasites to restore health and well-being in miraculous and quantum leaps.
As a 14D (144 DNA activated) experienced healer, Doc will move you through what is 'ailing' you and don't be surprised if the 'root' of it is completely different than what most professionals have taught.
If MONEY is an issue, please either join the group healing sessions, or send a letter of need putting $$HELP in the SUBJECT LINE and tell us who you are writing in for, what the problem is, how urgent, and we will direct you to the best solutions.
In the Quantum Age there are no limits to what we can achieve.
DISCLAIMER -If you need immediate medical attention, call 911.

Spiritual Coaching for Practitioners, Soul and 'Catalyst' Readings, and specialized work for children who remember their past lives, have special gifts and the parents who so generously try to help and understand them!
A mix of services are available for fixed fees, sliding scaled depending on the country or circumstances, group discounts and a donation pool, and all depend on the travel schedules and locations where Doc is. Because while she works to help individuals, she is a Universal grid-worker, time keeper and Overseer for Gaia specifically in this ascension process, so that often moves her to different sacred sites and keeps her 'on the move.' Either she or volunteers will get you started, yes there is some information you must provide and a little 'homework' and then we let you know when she will be 'working on you.'
Hear more about how the Soul and Catalyst Read Works here:
MAKE sure I have availability BEFORE you pay for a reading by emailing PRINT, READ AND COMPLETE THIS FORM BEFORE YOU AGREE and pay. Extended reads are 40 minutes (and often way longer) and include much more detailed information from each section and a deeper analysis of the drawings. It also includes a 4 card pull on angel, ancestor and oracle-type cards that I personally made that help me connect with guides, each with different qualities that are so accurate in telling me what you are dealing with. I will include that at the end of the reading and also any messages that pop in as direct channeled phrases. The reason I record versus write is often the material is channeled and I just run with it. As I review and work on each section of your reading I also work on energetic blockages and releases to help you move forward to achieve your 'highest and best.' It is why many will feel heat or tingling when they are answering my questions or when I have sent an email suggesting a certain 'procedure' for you to do to help clear.
DISCLAIMER: All information is strictly confidential and this is not intended as psychological or medical advice although such suggestions may be provided. Because this information is done working with your unconscious and channeled information I receive, it will be a recorded session as an MP4 Confidential video link through YouTube and sent to your email. (It will not be sent in written form.) You must answer ALL the questions and do 2 quick 'no stick figure' drawings (you do not have to be an artist, it is better if you are not, and don't take too long, but it must be done in pencil on 2 white pieces of 8.5x11 paper.) Take a photo of the 2 full drawings and email it along with your name and the answered questions and I will do a session for you with details as to what your current unconscious struggles are and provide an energetic healing to open you up to start to receive the change and manifestations you are seeking; if they are for your highest and best good.
Readings are completed and emailed back within 10 days. Should this change, an update will be sent.
You will get a DOCX (17KB) file